.. _manual_agentless: ==================== Agentless Management ==================== OSSEC has the capability to monitor systems which cannot accept an agent. This is done via the `ossec-agentlessd` daemon for some checks, and syslog for log monitoring. agentlessd ^^^^^^^^^^ `ossec-agentlessd` performs active checks on devices that do not have OSSEC agents installed on them. These checks can include checking configurations for modification and running checksums on files on the system. Active agentless monitoring is disabled by default. It can be enabled with the following command: .. code-block:: console # /var/ossec/bin/ossec-control enable agentless This does not start the process, only enables it. It can be started manually by restarting the OSSEC processes: .. code-block:: console # /var/ossec/bin/ossec-control restart Or by starting the process manually: .. code-block:: console # /var/ossec/bin/ossec-agentlessd Adding Hosts ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hosts can be added via the `register_host.sh` script. The user, host, and password to access the host can be set with this script. .. code-block:: console # /var/ossec/agentless/register_host.sh /var/ossec/agentless/register_host.sh options: add [] () list (passwords) These hosts must also be defined in the `ossec.conf` to define which checks are performed on them. More information can be found in the `ossec.conf` configuration documentation. The agentless_ section provides details. The default checks bundled in OSSEC are: .. code-block:: console main.exp ssh.exp ssh_asa-fwsmconfig_diff ssh_foundry_diff ssh_generic_diff ssh_integrity_check_bsd ssh_integrity_check_linux ssh_nopass.exp ssh_pixconfig_diff sshlogin.exp su.exp .. _agentless: ../configuration/ossec_conf.html#agentless