Package Installation

The OSSEC project has made RPM and deb packages available. Links to the packages can be found on the OSSEC download page

RPM Installation

OSSEC’s RPMs are made available by AtomiCorp.

The RPMs can be installed by adding the AtomiCorp yum repository:

# wget -q -O - | sh

Next use yum to install the specific packages. For an OSSEC server run:

# yum install ossec-hids ossec-hids-server

And for an agent run:

# yum install ossec-hids ossec-hids-agent

Deb Installation

Atomicorp provides .deb installation packages as well.

Install the apt-get repository key:

# wget -q -O -  | sudo apt-key add -

Add the repository for Debian and Ubuntu:

# wget -q -O - | sudo bash

Update the repository:

Install OSSEC HIDS server/manager:

# apt-get install ossec-hids-server

Or install OSSEC HIDS agent:

# apt-get install ossec-hids-agent

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