Regular Expression Syntax

Currently OSSEC supports three regex syntaxes: OS_Regex, OS_Match, and pcre2. OS_Regex/regex is an OSSEC specific subset of regular expressions. This syntax is considered legacy, and is being replaced by the pcre2 variant. pcre2 is provided by the pcre2 library. It is much more complete and more widely tested than OS_Regex. pcre2 will be the preferred syntax moving forward. OS_Match/sregex is an even smaller subset of regular expressions. It provides some very basic mechanisms used in matching, and is widely available inside OSSEC.


Information on the syntax for pcre2 can be found in the pcre documentation.



This syntax is legacy, please use the pcre2 syntax for anything new.

Fast and simple library for regular expressions in C.

This library is designed to be simple, but support the most common regular expressions. It was designed with intrusion detection systems in mind, where having all options is not crucial, but speed is.

Supported expressions:

\w  ->  A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '-', '@' characters
\d  ->  0-9 characters
\s  ->  For spaces " "
\t  ->  For tabs.
\p  ->  ()*+,-.:;<=>?[]!"'#$%&|{} (punctuation characters)
\W  ->  For anything not \w
\D  ->  For anything not \d
\S  ->  For anything not \s
\.  ->  For anything


+  ->  To match one or more times (eg \w+ or \d+)
*  ->  To match zero or more times (eg \w* or \p*)

Special Characters:

^ -> To specify the beginning of the text.
$ -> To specify the end of the text.
| -> To create an "OR" between multiple patterns.

Characters Escaping

To utilize the following characters they must be escaped:

$ -> \$
( -> \(
) -> \)
\ -> \\
| -> \|


Faster than the OS_Regex/regex, but only supports simple string matching and the following special characters.

Special Characters:

^ -> To specify the beginning of the text.
$ -> To specify the end of the text.
| -> To create an "OR" between multiple patterns.